It’s hard to know where to start when you’re dealing with a draining family conflict. Below you can find useful articles and videos on subjects such as choosing the right lawyer, how to address substance abuse issues in a custody case, lowering your divorce costs and more.

divorce lawyer

How Do Oregon Courts Divide Assets During a Divorce?

When a couple divorces, one of the issues the judge overseeing the case must resolve is how the couple’s debts and assets are distributed. When it comes to dividing assets after a divorce, Oregon is an “equitable distribution” state. This means that the court will not necessarily split a couple’s assets down the middle and instead consider various factors when

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divorce lawyer

Pet Custody During Divorce

Nearly 85 million people in the United States have at least one pet in their homes. Dogs, cats, birds, and fish are common types of pets. Regardless of the kind of animal, people with pets feel companionship and affection for them. When two people enter into a relationship, one or both may have a pet. During the relationship, the couple

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divorce attorney

Can Abandonment Impact Divorce?

Abandonment may impact the matters within a divorce, but it cannot affect the grounds for an Oregon divorce. Abandonment alters the marital relationship because the abandoning spouse leaves the marriage physically, mentally, emotionally and sometimes, financially. The decision to get a divorce may be one-sided or mutual between the spouses. They want to end the marriage of infidelity, mistreatment or

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postnuptial lawyer

What Is A Postnuptial Agreement?

When a couple decides to marry, they plan for a marriage that never ends. Approximately 25,000 Oregon marriages occur each year. However, some marriages end in divorce. Annually, the number of divorces in Oregon is nearly half the amount of the state’s marriages. Therefore, prospective spouses may enter a prenuptial agreement in contemplation of marriage that becomes effective when they

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divorce attorney

Divorce Myths Debunked

Divorce is a time filled with anxiety, worry, questions and many myths. Everyone has an idea of divorce proceedings, but the truth is each divorce is different, and each situation is personal to the parties involved. It is the myths that confuse people – which is why it is best to consult with an experienced divorce lawyer at Gearing, Rackner

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paternity lawyer
Child Custody

Establishing Legal Paternity in Oregon

Father, dad, daddy, pop, papa – many are the names and nicknames to call a paternal parent. When people traditionally think of a father, they think about a biological father. For most circumstances, the biological father is the legal father and has the rights, responsibilities, and obligations to child as set forth by law. However, under Oregon law, the paternal

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dissolution of domestic partnership lawyer

How To Dissolve A Domestic Partnership In Oregon?

For many decades, the arguments surrounding the institution of marriage has been upheld as a constitutional right of the freedom to marry. Courts have held that marriage is a personal and basic civil right afforded to people. However, for many years, the ability to enter into a legal marriage was reserved only to opposite sex couples. In 1996, the Defense

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paternity lawyer
Child Custody

Do I Need A Lawyer To Establish Paternity?

In Oregon, establishing paternity is the process of determining or acknowledging the legal father of a child. The law presumes that a man is the legal father of a child if he is listed on the child’s birth certificate as the father. State law also presumes that the legal father of a child born during a marriage is the man

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domestic partnership lawyer

What Are The Advantages Of A Domestic Partnership?

The establishment of domestic partnerships gave same-sex couples the ability to have their relationship legally recognized by their state with many of the same legal protections and remedies as heterosexual married couples. Oregon established domestic partnerships in 2008 under the Oregon Family Fairness Act. Under the Act, same-sex couples could register their relationship as a domestic partnership and get all

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How Can I Protect My Assets Without A Prenuptial Agreement?

Premarital agreements are agreements between potential spouses made when they are contemplating getting married. The agreement is a contract between the couples that outlines how terms and conditions of certain subject matter in case of a divorce. In Oregon, a prenuptial agreement must be in writing. Although the agreement is a contract, state law does not require that the agreement

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