It’s hard to know where to start when you’re dealing with a draining family conflict. Below you can find useful articles and videos on subjects such as choosing the right lawyer, how to address substance abuse issues in a custody case, lowering your divorce costs and more.

dissolution of domestic partnership lawyer

How To Dissolve A Domestic Partnership In Oregon?

For many decades, the arguments surrounding the institution of marriage has been upheld as a constitutional right of the freedom to marry. Courts have held that marriage is a personal and basic civil right afforded to people. However, for many years, the ability to enter into a legal marriage was reserved only to opposite sex couples. In 1996, the Defense

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domestic partnership lawyer

What Are The Advantages Of A Domestic Partnership?

The establishment of domestic partnerships gave same-sex couples the ability to have their relationship legally recognized by their state with many of the same legal protections and remedies as heterosexual married couples. Oregon established domestic partnerships in 2008 under the Oregon Family Fairness Act. Under the Act, same-sex couples could register their relationship as a domestic partnership and get all

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